Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Slow start to summer 2012

Just checking in to keep you up to date on our not really very exciting summer so far.  We are at home in Mesa, working with vent kiddos occasionally, and spending time with our kids and grandkids.  We are thrilled that Leah's 10 (yes ten) puppies are now all in good homes.  And we are patiently awaiting the arrival of our 12th grandchild--due any day now!!  It will be a home/water birth, so that makes it even more exciting.  We plan to spend most of July here, too--helping with Leah's kids/foster kids, and affording Leah and Rudi the opportunity to take a brief vacation from the heat (to Spokane) once the new baby is here.  Weather is hot (108 today), but the pool is perfect.  Will probably spend some time at the condo before we leave for Spokaloo at the end of July.

Waiting for "baby Crespin"

Paul and Laura Sauer's
We spent a week in Ohio visiting with relatives, and hosting my Mom's 80th birthday party!  The weather could not have been better (no humidity till the last day), and we had a great time with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins on my side of the family!  We were lucky enough to stay with my cousin, Paul, and his wife, Laura.  Their home is beautiful, and situated in a lovely rural setting--what great hosts!

I have started back on my HCG diet, and have lost 7.2 lbs. in the first 5 days......it's amazing what happens when you stop drinking beer--lol!  Anyway, my diet right now consists of alot of chicken, pico de gallo, veggies, limited fruits.....and lots of water :-)  Really it's the easiest diet I have ever been on--but I kinda let myself slip back into really bad habits over the last year--so now I am back on the straight and narrow--hoping to re-lose the 30 lbs I regained (after losing 80 lbs. 2 yrs. ago), and then lose an additional 40!  Wish me luck!

Today our plan is to celebrate our grandson Tyler's 16th birthday--can't believe he is that old already--or that we are that old either--lol!
Tyler on our fishing boat on spring break!

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